A Limia


This geodestination includes the municipalities of Baltar, Calvos de Randín, Os Blancos, Porqueira, Rairiz de Veiga, Sandiás, Sarreaus, Trasmiras and Xinzo de Limia.

Potatoes from A Limia are among the best ones in Galicia. In Xinzo de Limia, two festivals in particular are celebrated in great style. One is "O Entroido", which takes 5 Sundays and is among the oldest and most particular carnivals in Spain. The other is ‘Festa do Esquecemento’ (Festival of oblivion), which commemorates the crossing of the Limia by the Roman troops. The legions refused to cross the river, as they believed that crossing it would have led them to loose their memories and get lost in oblivion... But Decimus Junius Brutus crossed the river and, once on the other shore, called each soldier by name. Thus the legend was over and the festival was born.


The plain of A Limia is defended by four towers, three of which are really impressive. The towers are Sandiás (a challenge to verticality), A Pena (in Xinzo, overlooking the most northern part and perfectly preserved) and (in Porqueira), and a fourth tower of which only ruins remain on the top of a hill from where you can enjoy the view off the entire plain (Celme, in Rairiz de Veiga).

Among the numerous churches, you cannot miss a visit to that of Bon Xesús de Trandeiras in Xinzo de Limia.

Natural reserves

The Parque Natural de Baixa Limia-Serra do Xurés is located north in the ZSC-Natura 2000 Baixa Limia. Together with the Peneda-Gerês National Park in Portugal, it forms the Reserva da Biosfera Transfronteiriza de Gerês-Xurés including six municipalities in Galicia and five in Portugal.

The Nature Network also includes a small meadow where storks come every year: this is Ponteliñares,  in the Rairiz de Veiga municipality, close to the course of the Limia river.

Rairiz de Veiga, already mentioned, is also part of the Reserva da Biosfera Área de Allariz and is home to a true natural monument: Carballa da Rocha.

In the municipality of Calvos de Randín you can visit the Fervenza de Vilariño and in Porqueira you can take a walk through the Fervenzas do río Fírbeda.

Festivals and gastronomy

Entroido de Xinzo de Limia (officially declared a Festival of National Interest for Tourism) attracts more and more people every year. In Galicia, Romaría da Saínza, is an event of regional tourism interest. It is a bloodless fight and has been going on for centuries; every year is opposes the Moors and the Christians of this small town (which is part of the Rairiz de Veiga municipality); of course, the former are defeated in spite of their managing to seize the castle, which is a small and very particular building (the event takes place on the occasion of the Merced festival in September).

Vista general naturaleza